Sprint Battle the Begining Again!

 I posted this blog in May of 2023 and not much traction was captured and developed from it. Here it is again however, its the starting post for this Sprint Battle blog all by it self. I've gotten new inspiration to blog about the future of Sprint Battle, sprinting and provide more dialog from communicating with AI's that understand that there is great potential in sprinting to succeed and produce a revenue stream outside the covering of Track and Field.

So, here we are again. I'm going to try my best to convince sprinters, athletes, stakeholders, sponsors and investors I have the track format and competitive system to go mainstream and add to the community of followers sprinting has attained globally over the many years of existence. 

The big question is, what is it going to take for people to believe sprinting is ready to stand by it self and form a multi-billion dollar sports industry? Okay, I get it. It wont be mainstream or a heavy hitter like Football , Soccer or Basketball but, it can be sustaining without government intervention. It might land in the parallel space as cricket or hockey that modestly function and sustains lively hoods.



It’s Euphoric

Euphoria is cultivated and sustained for a long duration; this is the essence of why the “Sprint Battle” was created.

Yokefellows Athletics is proud to present Sprint Battle performed on a 70m oval track that two athletes sprint around competing full out for 90m.

In a deep analyst of the sprint (Track and Field) industry we found that the consumer market is primed to accept a new sprint format that captures the imagination of athletic speed as a euphoric entertainment spectacle. This compelling opportunity led us to create “Sprint Battle™” a sprint competition.

Support for readers

It will now garner excessive time and resource from Yokefellows Athletics initial plan in 2023 to implement this new sprint format that will be develop under our R&D department. In June of this year, we will look to run a test pilot program of Sprint Battle in Nigeria.

Its fun to see sprint in track and field start to create new paths of opportunity for athletes to generate revenue and pubic exposure. I would like to know if there are any creative thoughts or initiatives in sprinting you would like to share with us.


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